@inproceedings{ Morales-artacho_García_Pérez_PADIAL_ARGÜELLES_FUENTE_FERICHE,
author = { Antonio Jesús Morales-artacho and Amador García Ramos and Alejandro Pérez Castilla and PAULINO PADIAL PUCHE and JAVIER ARGÜELLES CIENFUEGOS and BLANCA DE LA FUENTE CAYNZOS and MARIA BELÉN FERICHE FERNÁNDEZ-CASTANYS } ,
title = { Assessing muscle strength: how does the force-velcity profile relate to maximal and explosiva osometric strength performance of the anee extensos },
booktitle = { X Simposio Internacional de Actualizaciones en Entrenamiento de Fuerza },
year = { 2017 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { MADRID ESPAÑA },