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C. Casals Vázquez, B.J. Sánchez-Alcaraz-Martínez, J. Courel Ibáñez, J. Martínez-López and E. Suárez-Cadenas,  "VARIABLES PSICOLÓGICAS ASOCIADAS A LA PRÁCTICA COMPETITIVA EN PÁDEL", "2ND NATIONAL CONGRESS ON PADEL RESEARCH", None-None, 2016
K. Tomazin, A. García Ramos, M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys, V. Strojnik and I. Štirn,  "Acute exposure to moderate altitude increased spinal excitability", "21th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science", None-None, 2016
A. García Ramos, I. Štirn, P. Padial Puche, J. Argüelles Cienfuegos, B. De La Fuente , C. Calderón, J.G. Bonitch Góngora, K. Tomazin, B. Štrumbelj, V. Strojnik and B. Feriche ,  "Loaded vertical jump as indicator of swimming start performance", "21th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science", None-None, 2016
A. Pérez Castilla, J. Slobodan, M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys, P. Padial Puche and A. García Ramos,  "Influence of the distance between experimentals potins in the validity of the two-load method.", "IX Internactional Simposium in Strength Training.", None-None, 2016
E. Suárez-Cadenas and J. Courel Ibáñez,  "Shooting strategies and effectiveness after offensive rebound and its impact on game result in Euroleague", "VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Balonceso", None-None, 2016
A. Pérez Castilla, A. García Ramos, M.B. Feriche Fernández-Castanys, P. Padial Puche and J. Slobodan,  "Evaluation of the novel "two-load method" for quick assessment of the mechanical capacities of the leg muscles.Evaluation of the novel ¿two-load method¿ for quick assessment of the mechanical capacities of the leg muscles.", "V International Scientific Conference Motor Control 2016", None-None, 2016
J. Courel Ibáñez and E. Suarez Cadenas,  "Inside game ball transitions according to players¿ specific positions in NBA basketball.", "VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Balonceso", None-None, 2016
T. Caballero-Velázquez, I. Montero-Cuadrado, F. Sánchez-Guijo, R. Parody-Porras, D. Valadés Cerrato, O. López-Godino, C. Ferra-i Coll, R. Saldaña-Moreno, M. Jurado-Chacon, M. Cuesta, F.J. Márquez-Malaver, A. Carrillo-Vico, L.I. Sanchez-Abarca-Bernal, L. López -Corral and J.A. Perez-Simon,  "Immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allosct): results of a prospective multicenter clinicaltrial. Alovita; eudract: 2010-023279-25", "20th Congress of the European Hematology Association", None-None, 2015

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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