@inbook{ Pérez_García_FERICHE_PADIAL_Slobodan:219-225,
author = { Alejandro Pérez Castilla and Amador García Ramos and MARIA BELÉN FERICHE FERNÁNDEZ-CASTANYS and PAULINO PADIAL PUCHE and Jaric Slobodan } ,
title = { Reliability and validity of the "two-load method" to determine leg extensors maximal mechanical capacities. },
booktitle = { Current Research in Motor Control V. Bridging Motor Control and Biomechanics },
isbn = { 9788364036644 },
publisher = { Wydawnictwo Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki },
pages = { 219 - 225 },
year = { 2016 },