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I. Jukic, B. Van Hooren, A. García Ramos, E. Helms, M. McGuigan and J. Tufano,  "The effects of set structure manipulation on chronic adaptations to resistance training: A systematic review and meta-analysis", "Sports Medicine" , vol.51, 1061-1086, 2021
A. García Ramos, I. Jukic, J. Weakley and D. Janicijevic,  "Bench press one-repetition maximum estimation through the individualised load-velocity relationship: comparison of different regression models and minimal velocity thresholds.", "International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance" , vol.16, 1074-1081, 2021
A. García Ramos, D. Janicijevic and I. Jukic,  "Concentric-only versus touch-and-go bench press one-repetition maximum in men and women", "Sports Health" , vol.13, 373-379, 2021
I. Jukic, A. García Ramos, J. Balas, J. Malecek, D. Omcirk and J. Tufano,  "Ergogenic effects of lifting straps on movement velocity, grip strength, perceived exertion and grip security during the deadlift exercise", "Physiology & Behavior" , vol.229, 113283-, 2021
J. Weakley, B. Mann, H. Banyard, S. McLaren, T. Scott and A. García Ramos,  "Velocity-based training: from theory to application", "Strength and Conditioning Journal" , vol.43, 31-49, 2021
E. Liébana, C. Monleón, C. Moratal and A. García Ramos,  "Response of heart rate and subjective rating of perceived exertion to a simulated Latin DanceSport competition in experienced Latin dancers", "Medical Problems of Performing Artists" , vol.36, 39-44, 2021
A. Pérez Castilla, D. Boullosa and A. García Ramos,  "Reliability and validity of the iLOAD application for monitoring the mean set velocity during the back squat and bench press exercises performed against different loads", "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" , vol.35, S57-S65, 2021
P. Valenzuela, J.S. Morales Rojas, A. Santos Lozano, G. Saco-Ledo, L. Diaz-Gonzalez, A. Boraita, C.J. Lavie and A. Lucia Mulas,  "What do we really know about the association between physical activity, sports, and atrial fibrillation? A systematic review and meta-analysis from unbiased studies ", "European Journal of Preventive Cardiology" , -, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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